// ==UserScript== // @name 斗鱼弹幕过滤屏蔽 // @namespace http://tampermonkey.net/ // @version 0.1.0 // @description 设置过滤列表,从此和节奏说再见! Allowing you to set up a ban list to filter the foolish barrage on douyu.com // @author Chuck // @match https://www.douyu.com/* // @match http://www.douyu.com/* // @icon http://www.douyu.com/favicon.ico // @grant none // @copyright 2016+, @Chuck // @downloadURL https://update.greasyfork.icu/scripts/24803/%E6%96%97%E9%B1%BC%E5%BC%B9%E5%B9%95%E8%BF%87%E6%BB%A4%E5%B1%8F%E8%94%BD.user.js // @updateURL https://update.greasyfork.icu/scripts/24803/%E6%96%97%E9%B1%BC%E5%BC%B9%E5%B9%95%E8%BF%87%E6%BB%A4%E5%B1%8F%E8%94%BD.meta.js // ==/UserScript== (function ($) { $.jQueryPlugin = function (name) { $.fn[name] = function (options) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); if (this.length) { return this.each(function () { var instance = $.data(this, name) || $.data(this, name, new cyntax.plugins[name](this, options)._init()); if (typeof options === "string") { options = options.replace(/^_/, ""); if (instance[options]) { instance[options].apply(instance, args); } } }); } }; }; })(jQuery); var cyntax = { plugins: {} }; /*! * Pause jQuery plugin v0.1 * * Copyright 2010 by Tobia Conforto * * Based on Pause-resume-animation jQuery plugin by Joe Weitzel * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or(at your option) * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 * Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* Changelog: * * 0.1 2010-06-13 Initial release */ (function () { var $ = jQuery, pauseId = 'jQuery.pause', uuid = 1, oldAnimate = $.fn.animate, anims = {}; function now() { return new Date().getTime(); } $.fn.animate = function (prop, speed, easing, callback) { var optall = $.speed(speed, easing, callback); optall.complete = optall.old; // unwrap callback return this.each(function () { // check pauseId if (!this[pauseId]) this[pauseId] = uuid++; // start animation var opt = $.extend({}, optall); oldAnimate.apply($(this), [prop, $.extend({}, opt)]); // store data anims[this[pauseId]] = { run: true, prop: prop, opt: opt, start: now(), done: 0 }; }); }; $.fn.pause = function () { return this.each(function () { // check pauseId if (!this[pauseId]) this[pauseId] = uuid++; // fetch data var data = anims[this[pauseId]]; if (data && data.run) { data.done += now() - data.start; if (data.done > data.opt.duration) { // remove stale entry delete anims[this[pauseId]]; } else { // pause animation $(this).stop().stop().stop(); $(this).stop(); $(this).stop(); $(this).stop(); $(this).stop(); $(this).stop(); $(this).stop(); $(this).stop(); $(this).stop(); $(this).stop(); $(this).stop(); $(this).stop(); $(this).stop(); $(this).stop(); $(this).stop(); data.run = false; } } }); }; $.fn.resume = function () { return this.each(function () { // check pauseId if (!this[pauseId]) this[pauseId] = uuid++; // fetch data var data = anims[this[pauseId]]; if (data && !data.run) { // resume animation data.opt.duration -= data.done; data.done = 0; data.run = true; data.start = now(); oldAnimate.apply($(this), [data.prop, $.extend({}, data.opt)]); } }); }; })(); ; /** * jQuery Timer Plugin * Project page - http://code.cyntaxtech.com/plugins/jquery-timer * Version 0.1.1 * Copyright (c) 2011 Cyntax Technologies - http://cyntaxtech.com * dependencies: jquery.plugin.js * Licensed under the Cyntax Open Technology License * http://code.cyntax.com/licenses/cyntax-open-technology * ------------------------------------ * For details, please visit: * http://code.cyntaxtech.com/plugins/jquery-timer */ (function ($) { cyntax.plugins.timer = function (ele, options) { this.$this = $(ele); this.options = $.extend({}, this.defaults, options); this.timer_info = {id: null, index: null, state: 0}; }; cyntax.plugins.timer.prototype = { defaults: { delay: 1000, // delay in milliseconds (optional) repeat: false, // true to repeat the timer continuously, or a number for repeating this number of times (optional) autostart: true, // timer starts as soon as it is created, set false to start manually callback: null, // callback (optional) url: '', // url to load content from (optional) post: '' // post data (optional) }, _init: function () { if (this.options.autostart) { this.timer_info.state = 1; this.timer_info.id = setTimeout($.proxy(this._timer_fn, this), this.options.delay); } return this; }, _timer_fn: function () { if (typeof this.options.callback == "function") $.proxy(this.options.callback, this.$this).call(this, ++this.timer_info.index); else if (typeof this.options.url == "string") { ajax_options = { url: this.options.url, context: this, type: (typeof this.options.post == "string" && typeof this.options.post != "" == "" ? "POST" : "GET"), success: function (data, textStatus, jqXHR) { this.$this.html(data); } }; if (typeof this.options.post == "string" && typeof this.options.post != "") ajax_options.data = this.options.post; $.ajax(ajax_options); } if (this.options.repeat && this.timer_info.state == 1 && (typeof this.options.repeat == "boolean" || parseInt(this.options.repeat) > this.timer_info.index)) this.timer_info.id = setTimeout($.proxy(this._timer_fn, this), this.options.delay); else this.timer_id = null; }, start: function () { if (this.timer_info.state == 0) { this.timer_info.index = 0; this.timer_info.state = 1; this.timer_id = setTimeout($.proxy(this._timer_fn, this), this.options.delay); } }, stop: function () { if (this.timer_info.state == 1 && this.timer_info.id) { clearTimeout(this.timer_info.id); this.timer_id = null; } this.timer_info.state = 0; }, pause: function () { if (this.timer_info.state == 1 && this.timer_info.id) clearTimeout(this.timer_info.id); this.timer_info.state = 0; }, resume: function () { this.timer_info.state = 1; this.timer_id = setTimeout($.proxy(this._timer_fn, this), this.options.delay); } }; $.jQueryPlugin("timer"); })(jQuery); /*! *弹幕引擎核心 * * Copyright 2015 by Ruiko Of AcGit.cc * @license MIT * * 版本3.0 2015/08/12 */ ; (function ($) { var Danmu = function (element, options) { this.$element = $(element); this.options = options; this.id = $(element).attr("id"); $(element).data("nowTime", 0); $(element).data("danmuList", options.danmuList); $(element).data("opacity", options.opacity); $(element).data("paused", 1); $(element).data("topSpace", 0); $(element).data("bottomSpace", 0); this.$element.css({ "position": "absolute", "left": this.options.left, "top": this.options.top, "width": this.options.width, "height": this.options.height, "z-index": this.options.zindex, "color": options.defaultFontColor, "overflow": "hidden" }); var me = this; //播放器长宽 me.height = this.$element.height(); me.width = this.$element.width(); //速度 me.speed = 1000/options.speed; //防止重复 this.launched = []; this.preTime = 0; //最大弹幕数控制 var maxCount = this.options.maxCountInScreen; var maxCountPerSec = this.options.maxCountPerSec; var nowCount = 0; var nowSecCount = 0; //格式控制 this.rowCount = parseInt(options.height / options.FontSizeBig); if (me.options.SubtitleProtection) { me.rowCount = me.rowCount - 3; } this.rows = []; this.topRows=[]; this.bottomRows=[]; this.initRows = function (me) { for (var i = 0; i < me.rowCount; i++) { me.rows[i] = 0; me.topRows[i]=0; me.bottomRows[i]=0; } }; this.initRows(this); me.getRow = function (me) { var result = 0; while (me.rows[result] !== 0) { result = result + 1; if (result >= me.rowCount) { me.initRows(me); result = 0; break; } } return result; }; me.getTopRow = function (me) { for(var i=0;i").appendTo(this.$element); this.$timer = $(".danmakuTimer"); this.$timer.timer({ delay: 100, repeat: options.sumTime, autostart: false, callback: function (index) { setTimeout(function () { //计时前置 试验表明前置很好 if (me.options.danmuLoop && $(element).data("nowTime") >= $(element).data("sumTime")) { $(element).data("nowTime", 0); } $(element).data("nowTime", $(element).data("nowTime") + 1); //更新播放器面积参数 me.height = $(element).height(); me.width = $(element).width(); //防止重复 if (Math.abs($(element).data("nowTime") - (me.preTime + 1)) > 10) { me.launched = []; } me.preTime = $(element).data("nowTime"); //更新行数 var rowCOld = me.rowCount; me.rowCount = parseInt(options.height / options.FontSizeBig); setTimeout(me.checkRow(me), 0); //字幕保护 if (me.options.SubtitleProtection) { me.rowCount = me.rowCount - 3; } if (rowCOld !== 0 && me.rowCount !== rowCOld) { me.initRows(me); } nowSecCount = 0; if ($(element).data("danmuList")[$(element).data("nowTime")] && me.launched.indexOf($(element).data("nowTime")) < 0) { var nowTime = $(element).data("nowTime"); var danmus = $(element).data("danmuList")[nowTime]; for (var i = (danmus.length - 1); i >= 0; i--) { setTimeout(me.checkRow(me), 0); //setTimeout(me.runDanmu(danmus[i],nowCount,maxCount,nowSecCount,maxCountPerSec,options,me,$(element),speed,$(this)),1); // setTimeout(me.runDanmu(danmus[i],options,me,$(element),speed,$(this)),1); var a_danmu = ""; $(element).append(a_danmu); var danmaku = danmus[i]; $("#" + me.id + "tempDanmaku").text(danmaku.text) .css({ "color": danmaku.color , "text-shadow": " 0px 0px 2px #000000" , "-moz-opacity": $(element).data("opacity") , "opacity": $(element).data("opacity") , "white-space": "nowrap" , "font-weight": "bold" , "font-family": "SimHei" , "font-size": options.FontSizeBig }); if (danmaku.color < "#777777") $("#" + me.id + "tempDanmaku").css({ "text-shadow": " 0px 0px 2px #FFFFFF" }); if (danmaku.hasOwnProperty('isnew')) { $("#" + me.id + "tempDanmaku").css({"border": "2px solid " + danmaku.color}); } if (danmaku.size == 0) $("#" + me.id + "tempDanmaku").css("font-size", options.fontSizeSmall); if (danmaku.position == 0) { var flyTmpName = me.id + "fly" + parseInt(new Date().getTime()).toString(); $("#" + me.id + "tempDanmaku").attr("id", flyTmpName); if (nowCount <= maxCount && nowSecCount <= maxCountPerSec) { me.checkRow(me); var row = me.getRow(me); me.rows[row] = flyTmpName; danmaku["row"] = row; var top_local = (row) * options.FontSizeBig; danmaku["width"] = $("#" + flyTmpName).width(); // var offsetLeft = parseInt(Math.random() * 2 * options.FontSizeBig); var left_local = $("#" + me.id).width(); $("#" + flyTmpName).css({ "width": $("#" + flyTmpName).width() , "position": "absolute" , "top": top_local , "left": left_local ,"-webkit-text-stroke":"0.5px #000" }); var newSpeed = ($(element).width()+400)/me.speed; nowCount++; nowSecCount++; $("#" + flyTmpName).animate({left: -($("#" + flyTmpName).width() + 700)}, newSpeed , function () { $(this).remove(); nowCount--; nowSecCount--; } ); } else { $("#" + flyTmpName).remove(); } } else if (danmaku.position == 1) { var topTmpId = me.id + "top" + parseInt(10000 * Math.random()).toString(); $("#" + me.id + "tempDanmaku").attr("id", topTmpId); var temRow=me.getTopRow(me); $(element).data("topSpace", options.FontSizeBig*temRow); me.topRows[temRow]=1; $("#" + topTmpId).css({ "width": "100%" , "text-align": "center" , "position": "absolute" , "top": ($(element).data("topSpace")) , "left": "0" }); $("#" + topTmpId).data("row",temRow); $("#" + topTmpId).fadeTo(options.topBottomDanmuTime, $(element).data("opacity"), function () { me.topRows[$(this).data("row")]=0; $(this).remove(); } ); } else if (danmaku.position == 2) { var bottomTmpId = me.id + "bottom" + parseInt(10000 * Math.random()).toString(); $("#" + me.id + "tempDanmaku").attr("id", bottomTmpId); var temRow=me.getBottomRow(me); $(element).data("bottomSpace", options.FontSizeBig*temRow); me.bottomRows[temRow]=1; $("#" + bottomTmpId).css({ "width": options.width , "left": "0" , "text-align": "center" , "position": "absolute" , "bottom": 0 + $(element).data("bottomSpace") }); $("#" + bottomTmpId).data("row",temRow); $("#" + bottomTmpId).fadeTo(options.topBottomDanmuTime, $(element).data("opacity"), function () { me.bottomRows[$(this).data("row")]=0; $(this).remove(); } ); } //else if danmus[i] = danmaku; } // for in danmus $(element).data("danmuList")[nowTime] = danmus; } //if (danmus) me.launched.push($(element).data("nowTime")); // }, 0); //循环 if (index == options.sumTime && options.isLoop) { me.$timer.timer('stop'); me.$timer.timer('start'); } }); } }); }; Danmu.DEFAULTS = { left: 0, top: 0, height: 360, width: 640, zindex: 100, speed: 8000, sumTime: 65535, danmuLoop: false, danmuList: {}, defaultFontColor: "#FFFFFF", fontSizeSmall: 16, FontSizeBig: 24, opacity: "1", topBottomDanmuTime: 6000, SubtitleProtection: false, positionOptimize: false, maxCountInScreen: 40, maxCountPerSec: 10 }; Danmu.prototype.danmuStart = function () { this.$timer.timer('start'); this.$element.data("paused", 0); }; Danmu.prototype.danmuStop = function () { this.$timer.timer('stop'); $("#" + this.id + ' .danmaku').remove(); nowTime = 0; this.$element.data("paused", 1); this.$element.data("nowTime", 0); }; Danmu.prototype.danmuPause = function () { this.$timer.timer('pause'); $("#" + this.id + ' .danmaku').pause(); this.$element.data("paused", 1); }; Danmu.prototype.danmuResume = function () { this.$timer.timer('resume'); $("#" + this.id + ' .danmaku').resume(); this.$element.data("paused", 0); }; Danmu.prototype.danmuHideAll = function () { $("#" + this.id + ' .danmaku').css({"opacity": 0}); this.initRows(this); }; Danmu.prototype.setTime = function (arg) { $("#" + this.id + ' .danmaku').remove(); this.$element.data("nowTime", arg); }; Danmu.prototype.setOpacity = function (arg) { $("#" + this.id + ' .danmaku').css("opacity", arg); this.$element.data("opacity", arg); }; Danmu.prototype.addDanmu = function (arg) { if (arg instanceof Array) { for (var i in arg) { if (this.$element.data("danmuList")[arg[i]["time"]]) { this.$element.data("danmuList")[arg[i]["time"]].push(arg[i]); } else { this.$element.data("danmuList")[arg[i]["time"]] = []; this.$element.data("danmuList")[arg[i]["time"]].push(arg[i]); } } } else { if (this.$element.data("danmuList")[arg.time]) { this.$element.data("danmuList")[arg.time].push(arg); } else { this.$element.data("danmuList")[arg.time] = []; this.$element.data("danmuList")[arg.time].push(arg); } } }; function Plugin(option, arg) { return this.each(function () { var $this = $(this); var options = $.extend({}, Danmu.DEFAULTS, typeof option == 'object' && option); var data = $this.data('danmu'); var action = typeof option == 'string' ? option : NaN; if (!data) $this.data('danmu', (data = new Danmu(this, options))); if (action) data[action](arg); }); }; $.fn.danmu = Plugin; $.fn.danmu.Constructor = Danmu; })(jQuery); //====================以上为 github.com/chiruom/danmu/ 弹幕插件 $('
').prependTo("body"); var $player = $("#js-room-video"); var $danmu = $("#danmu"); $danmu.danmu({ height: $player.height()-30, width: $player.width(), zindex:110, speed:23000, sumTime:65535, //弹幕流的总时间 danmuLoop:false, //是否循环播放弹幕 defaultFontColor:"#FFFFFF", //弹幕的默认颜色 fontSizeSmall:20, //小弹幕的字号大小 FontSizeBig:28, //大弹幕的字号大小 opacity:"0.9", //默认弹幕透明度 topBottonDanmuTime:6000, // 顶部底部弹幕持续时间(毫秒) SubtitleProtection:true, //是否字幕保护 positionOptimize:false, //是否位置优化,位置优化是指像AB站那样弹幕主要漂浮于区域上半部分 maxCountInScreen: 100, //屏幕上的最大的显示弹幕数目,弹幕数量过多时,优先加载最新的。 maxCountPerSec: 40 //每分秒钟最多的弹幕数目,弹幕数量过多时,优先加载最新的。 }); $danmu.danmu('danmuResume'); $danmu.danmu("addDanmu",[ { text:"弹幕屏蔽系统已经启动,请关闭自带弹幕" ,color:"white",size:2,position:0,time:jQuery('#danmu').data("nowTime") +1} ,{ text:"作者:Chuck" ,color:"white",size:2,position:0,time:jQuery('#danmu').data("nowTime") +3} ]); //$danmu.css({"pointer-events": "none","height": $player.height()-30, "width": $player.width(),"z-index":110,"left":$player.offset().left,"top":$player.offset().top+"px"}); $danmu.css({"pointer-events": "none","z-index":110,"left":$player.offset().left,"top":$player.offset().top+"px"}); $danmu.data("danmu").speed = 0.05; //$danmu.data("danmu").options.FontSizeBig =28; //$danmu.data("danmu").options.speed = 23000; var jsonSave = function(name,parmName){ if(!name){ name = parmName+""; } localStorage.setItem(name,JSON.stringify(parmName)); }; var jsonLoad = function(name){ return JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(name)); }; Ban = jsonLoad("Ban"); if(!Ban) Ban = {"list":["233","666","111111","22222","333333","444444"]}; displayBanlist = function(){ Ban.list=$(".ban-input").val().split(","); jsonSave("Ban",Ban); $('.ban-box').toggle(); $(".ban-input").val(Ban.list.join(",")); }; $("").appendTo('head'); resizeDanmu = function(){ var $player = $("#js-room-video"); $('#danmu').css({"pointer-events": "none","height": $player.height()-30, "width": $player.width(),"z-index":110,"left":$player.offset().left,"top":$player.offset().top+"px"}); }; window.onresize=resizeDanmu(); (function() { $('


').appendTo('.speak-up'); $('
').appendTo('.shie-site-list'); $(".ban-box").toggle(); $(".ban-input").text(Ban.list.join(",")); $(".chat-cont-wrap").on('DOMNodeInserted',".c-list",function(){ var $str = $(".c-list li:last"); var str = $(".c-list li:last span.text-cont").text(); var flag = 1; for(var i=Ban.list.length-1;i>0;i--){ if(str.indexOf(Ban.list[i]) !== -1 ) { console.log(Ban.list[i]); $str.hide() ; flag =0; } } if(flag)$("#danmu").danmu("addDanmu",[ { text:str ,color:"white",size:1,position:0,time:jQuery('#danmu').data("nowTime") +1}]); }); })();